Wednesday, 31 March 2021

BOOK REVIEW!!!!!:Sticking With Pigs


This is an awesome book that I have been reading for the past few days. It's called Sticking with Pigs and it's written by Mary-Anne Scott. It’s about hunting pigs. So far I am enjoying reading this book, I am about a quarter of the way through. I enjoy hunting with my Dad, he has stuck a pig but sadly I wasn’t with him that time. Other times we have shot deer. Have you ever been hunting or thought you would like to go? Make sure you go with a responsible adult.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Amazing Clued Up Kids


On Friday last week year, 5-6 went to the Boy's Brigade Hall for an event called Clued Up Kids to learn all about safety on quad bikes and lots more. There were 8 different workstations fire safety, animal safety, trains, the alpine fault, st Johns, kitchen safety, and land search and rescue. At St John's we learned how to wrap a bandage on us with a fake knife in our arm. My favourite one was the LAND- SAR, which means Land, search and rescue you can join when you're 17 and each hour in a helicopter you pay $7,500. We were there from 10:00am to 12:35pm.  Have you ever done something like this before?